Thursday, May 14, 2009

Source 21

2. My source is BBC news by Michael Bristow and Zhu Tong.
3. The credentials include Michael Bristow who is a reporter and Zhu Tong is a Professor at Peking University who advises the Beijing Government about air pollution.
4. My source says that their is a chance they won't be able to meet the air quality standards and as a result action must be taken. Some of the action they are considering to help control the air pollution is to close factories and take 90% of Beijing's private cars off the streets at bad times.
5. Yes, I believe the source.
6. I believe the source that they might not be able to meet the air quality standards, but I am not sure that they will go through with taking 90% of Beijing's private cars off the streets because that is a lot. I do believe however it is an inreasing problem and something needs to be done.

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