Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Second Day

My next action entering the day that I wanted to accomplish is getting my research topic and question down. Once I find out how my partner and I will be presenting the final product it will be very easy to start researching.
What I actually accomplished was I got my research topic and question written and I got an idea of how my final project will be presented. Also I started a blog post on the seven questions of the start of the project.
What I did today does not help me answer my research question but it gives me what I'm going to be researching which is needed to answer a research question.
My next action for this project is to pick a way in which I will be able to present the project in an interesting way. Then I will need to finish my 7 questions so I can start researching.

1 comment:

  1. Good -- I was worried about the half-finished 7 Questions, but this clears it all up. Keep it up!
