Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rights Assignment

1. My right is the Right to Privacy.
2. What it means to exercise this right is the right of a group or an individual to isolate themselves or information about themselves and reveal this information at their own will. Their is three main types of privacy physical, informational, and organizational. Physical privacy includes preventing unwelcome searching of your home and privacy to your belongings. Informational privacy includes sharing data about one's self such as Financial, Internet, Medical, Sexual, and Poltical Privacy. The last main type of privacy is organizational which protects companies from revealing information to other organizations or individuals. Privacy can be seen as security and anonomity from the outside world.
3. The limitations that exist on privacy are the right for the government to obtain a warrant to take action against an individual or individuals if they are considered harmful or carrying ilegal weaponry or items and considered "violent". Limitations includes the placement of electronic survelliance such as camera's in public places, but not to invade one's privacy but to ensure the security of everyone.
4. These limitations exist on privacy because although people have the right to their belongings, property, information and such if they are suspected criminals such as carrying belongings that could potentially harm another individual, having information that is a plot for a crime, or possessing ilegal drugs an action must be taken against them. Stated by the 4th ammendment, it does require an issue of a warrant to invade anothers privacy and this warrant is specific to the place to be searched and what they are looking for. Although the right of privacy is very important there is limitations on this for the security of other individuals.
5. If I had to give up the right of privacy what I would want in return is the right of security and economic prosperity. The right of privacy is a big concept in a person's life and to give it up would require a big commitment. So to give up privacy I would still want some kind of security to protect against crimes, but I would also want to become wealthy as a result of such a trade.
6. My privacy right exists because it protects a person against unwarranted publicity. It gives people the right to live without having their name, picture, or stature or that of a relative, made public against his or her will. It is necessary for the security and anonymity of a person.

1. http://netsecurity.about.com/od/newsandeditorial1/a/aaprivacyrights.htm
2. http://www.lawrence.edu/fast/BOARDMAW/Privacy_brand_warr2.html
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy
4. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment04/
5. http://www.rbs2.com/privacy.htm
6. http://www.privacyrights.org/
7. http://www.ivanhoffman.com/privacyrights.html
8. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/copothr.html
9. http://gilc.org/privacy/survey/intro.html
10. http://www.privacilla.org/fundamentals/privacyright.html
11. http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_Am4.html

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Inconvenient Truth Fact #5

1. Global Warming is causing ice sheets to melt and as a result polar bears are drowning.

2. http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB113452435089621905-vnekw47PQGtDyf3iv5XEN71_o5I_20061214.html

  • http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB113452435089621905-vnekw47PQGtDyf3iv5XEN71_o5I_20061214.html
  • The source is the Wall Street Journal by Jim Carlton.
  • The credentials include expert scientists that study the relation between global warming and habitats.
  • The source is fairly credible because it says "scientists" multiple times in the report but never gives specific names on who the scientists are.
  • The source says that scientists for the first time have documented multiple deaths of polar bears off Alaska, where they likely drowned after swimming long distances in the ocean amid the melting of the Arctic ice shelf.
  • I somewhat believe the source.
  • I somewhat believe the source because even though the information seems accurate and they claim to have done many studies on this there is no identification of who these scientists really are.

  • http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-09/10/content_6696035.htm
  • The source is China News
  • The credentials include nobody because there is no listing of any person that did the report besides The U.S. Geological Survey.
  • The source is not credible because it has no information on how they got their conclusion that polar bears are dieing or what experts had their input on the report.
  • The source says that two-thirds of the world's polar bears will be killed off by 2050 because of thinning sea ice from global warming in the Arctic.
  • I kind of believe the source
  • I kind of believe the source because it seems accurate that as things get warmer more polar bears would drown, but I don't know the background on how well polar bears can swim so I can't jump to a conclusion in which I kind of believe the source.

  • http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/256644385
  • The source is Care2 by Stephen Harper.
  • The credentials are Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada and is sponsored by Nature Canada.
  • The source is credible because it is the government of Canada getting involved and is sponsored by Canadian experts that specialize in this aspect.
  • The source says that as their natural habitat gets warmer and decreases in size, the end result is fewer polar bears. For the polar bear climate change could lead to extinction.
  • Yes, I believe the source
  • I believe the source because the Canadian experts are probably right that as it gets warmer because of global warming polar bears will begin to die off.

4. I believe that Polar Bears are dieing because of melting ice in the sea and they end up drowning. However I do not think at the moment it is at a rate that will jeopardize Polar bears existince. I do believe that if greenhouse gases are continued to be put into the atmosphere that eventually because of this problem Polar Bears might be at risk for extinction.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inconvenient Truth Fact #4

1. If the Global Warming trend continues Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet.


  • http://scienceline.org/2009/04/06/environment-bond-sea-level-rise-north-america/
  • The source is Scienceline.
  • The source credentials include Jerry X. Mitrovica, a geophysicist at the University of Toronto in Canada.
  • The source is very credible because Jerry X. Mitrovica is the lead author of the predictive study.
  • The source says that the ocean bordering North American coastal cities like New York, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles may rise by more than 20 feet if the West Antarctic ice sheet melts due to global warming.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because Mitrovica is the lead author of the predictive study of global warming and is one of the most credible sources out there.

  • http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0323-sea_levels.html
  • The source is Mongabay
  • The source credentials include researchers from the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the University of Arizona, the University of Colorado, and the University of Calgary.
  • The source is very credible because it has multiple researchers that reply on this topic from many different well known universities.
  • The source says "unless something is done to dramatically reduce human emissions of greenhouse gas pollution," said Peck "we're committed to four-to-six meters (13 to 20 feet) of sea level rise in the future."
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because it has a lot of research backing up the information and good data that supports it as well.

  • http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/03/24/MNG22HTITV1.DTL
  • The source is SFGate.
  • The source credentials include many scientists one in particular is John R. Christy, a noted atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama.
  • The source is very credible because it has scientist from universities that study this subject and have accurate information on it.
  • The source says that Glaciers and ice sheets on opposite ends of the Earth are melting faster than previously thought and could cause sea levels around the world to rise as much as three feet by the end of this century and 13 to 20 feet in coming centuries.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because the information provided is written by top scientists and have facts and models in the article that back up the reason why they believe this.

4. I believe that Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet if global warming continues because of the rate of greenhouse gases being produced in the atmosphere and as a result icecaps are melting which cause an overall rise in the sea levels.

Inconvenient Truth Fact #3

1. Global Warming will cause droughts and wildfires will occur more often.


  • http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/global-warming-will-cause-more-forest-fires-droughts-and-floods-411918.html
  • The source is The Independent Environment.
  • The credentials include Steve Connor who is a Science Editor.
  • The source is very credible because Steve Connor studies information from all scientists and forms an overview of everything.
  • The source says forest fires, droughts and floods are all likely to become more severe and more common if global warming heats the planet as seriously as some scientists predict.
  • Yes
  • I believe the Source because it gives information on why global warming will cause droughts and floods to become more likely.

  • http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/early-warning-signs-of-global-4.html
  • The source is Union of Concerned Scientists.
  • The credentials include many scientists that specialize in Global Warming.
  • The source is very accurate because it is probably the best site for Global Warming it has information and studies on every aspect on global warming and how it affects us.
  • The source says that increased evaporation from global awrming will lead to more server and longer-lasting droughts. It also says that droughts and fires are the early warning signs of Global Warming.
  • Yes, I completely believe the source
  • I believe the source because it has so much studies and scientists that work together and post information on this site that explain about global warming and specifically droughts and fires.

  • http://rumela.com/diary/diary_global_warming.htm
  • The source is Rumela
  • The source has no credentials for global warming but just site credentials.
  • The source is not very credible because it has no credentials to base the information about global warming off of.
  • The source says that Droughts and wildfires will occur more often.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source only because of other sites I have recently researched that have close to identical information.

4. I believe that because of global warming there is and will continue to be more droughts and wildfires because of the fact that more intense evaporation causes droughts and without water wildfires start to come into play.

Inconvenient Truth Fact #2

1. As a result of Global Warming heat waves will be more frequent and more intense.


  • http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/08/060801-heat-waves.html
  • The source is National Geographic.
  • The Credentials are Scientists at Oxford that specialize in climate research.
  • The source is very credible because it is Scientists that specialize in this topic at an univeristy.
  • It says that global warming may be to blame for the scorching heat waves across the United States.
  • Yes, Somewhat
  • I believe the source because they seem to know what they are talking about, but is questionable in a few areas.

  • http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/early-warning-signs-of-global-6.html
  • The source is Union of Concerned Scientists.
  • The credentials include many scientists for environment solutions
  • This source is very credible because it is most of the top scientists that conclude this information
  • It says that the patterns of temperature correspond with the model predictions when greenhouse gas are considered together.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because they have a lot of facts and have modeled this situation many times that show good evidence.

  • http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,206371,00.html
  • The source is FoxNews Natural Science.
  • The credentials include "scientists" but no specific names or where they are from.
  • The source should be credible because it is scientists but there is no information stating where they are from.
  • The source says for the long-term future, the world will see more and worse killer heat waves because of global warming.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because even though the scientists do not have information on what they are from they have good supporting facts

4. Overall I believe that because of global heat waves will be more frequent and intence because the greenhouse gases and heat waves are a direct correlation resulting in more heat waves. I think that there is enough good information out there that will support the fact that heat waves will continue to get more intense as long as we keep putting pollution into our atmosphere.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Inconvenient Truth Fact #1

1. Global Warming causes more precipitation.

2. http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2009/0109global_warming_causes_severe_storms.htm

  • http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2009/0109global_warming_causes_severe_storms.htm
  • The source is ScienceDaily.
  • The source credentials include information from the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union
  • The source is very credible because it is written by people that do numerous studies on this.
  • The source says that global warming is significant enough to cause an increase in the occurrence of sever storms.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because they do a lot of studies on this and seem like they know what they are talking about.

  • http://www.livescience.com/environment/070828_rainfall_changes.html
  • The source is LiveScience
  • The source credentials include scientists including NASA researchers.
  • The source is very credible because it is NASA researchers reporting on this subject and they are very knowledgable in this area.
  • The source says that Scientists have confirmed that global warming has increased rainfall in the tropics.
  • Yes
  • I believe the source because NASA is very credible on their information

  • http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0827-nasa.html
  • The source is Mongabay
  • The source credintials include NASA researchers who specialize in this.
  • The source is very credible because NASA reports on this.
  • The source says that NASA results in higher levels of rainfall.
  • Yes
  • I beleive the source because they have a lot of information that supports the fact.

4. I believe the fact that Global Warming causes more precipitation because all of my sources support information and have credible reporters that say that more precipitation has occurred as a result of Global Warming.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Middle East Conflict Questions

1. Israel got involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East because of Israel and Arab generally fight over territory. The Arab-Israeli conflict has been taking place for roughly one century of political tensions and open hostilities. The main 1948 Arab-Israeli war is known as the "Israeli War of Independence". The conflict has shifted over the years from a large scale Arab-Israeli conflict to a more regional Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Arabs and Israelis still generally remain at odds with each over territory. The Arab-Israeli conflict has resulted in at least four major wars and many minor conflicts.

2. The history of Israel's involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict started with the Immigration of European Jews which increased the Jewish communities in Palestine. Their was four major wars between the Arabs and Israel.
The first major war was the 1948 War of Independence which was when Israel declared their independence but did not end the conflicts in the Middle East.
The second major war was the 1956 Sinai War in which Egypt violated the terms of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice agreement and blocked Israeli ships from passing through the Suez Canal. This meant that Israel trade with Asia was more costly and caused huge conflicts between Israel And Egypt.
The third major war was the Six Day War which was a war between the Israel and neighboring states such as Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The end of the war resulted with Israel gaining control of the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, the Gaza strip, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of this war still affects the geopolitics of this region to this day.
The Fourth major war was the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Syria and Egypt launched a surprised attack on Israel on the day of Yom Kippur. The Camp David Accords was created after this which led to normalized relations between Egypt and Israel.
After all the wars Israel defended itself each time and won.

3. The enemies of Israel include Yemen, Saudi Arabi, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Although these are only the ones Israel has had wars with there are some other neighboring countries that are considered enemies. Most Arab Nations including Palestine group are considered enemies with Israel. Egypt sways between enemy and ally, but as of the Camp David Accords Egypt would be more of an ally to Israel.

4. Israel has very little friends in the middle east. Although Egypt and many surrounding countries have been involved in wars with Israel according to peace treatys they have been reunited such as Egypt has.

5. What Israel wants out of the Arab-Israeli conflict is to have peace, religious freedom, and their own country. Israel is defending their country against Arab Nations and Palestine refugees that are trying to take it over.

6. Israel is not fighting to get land. After each time it successfully defended itself it withdrew from the areas it captured. Israel is willing to reach peace even at the risk of fighting for its very existence each time.

7. Israeli people will not give up Israel their country because that is what they are fighting for. Everything else they are willing to give up to get freedom and their country.

Arab-Israeli Conflict Fifteen Sources

1. http://www.science.co.il/arab-israeli-conflict.asp
2. http://www.memri.org/conflict.html
3. http://www.historyteacher.net/Arab-Israeli_Conflict.htm
4. http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=4284&l=1
5. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761588322/arab-israeli_conflict.html
6. http://www.fresno.k12.ca.us/divdept/sscience/history/middle_east.htm
7. http://samsonblinded.org/titles/Israel_war_resolve.htm
8. http://www.lowyinterpreter.org/post/2009/01/Five-Middle-East-crises-(1)-The-Arab-Israeli-conflict.aspx
9. http://middleeast.about.com/od/middleeast101/u/me080323.htm#s2
10. http://www.somebodyhelpme.info/mideast/mideast.html
11. http://www.israel-palestina.info/english_section.html
12. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myths/mftoc.html
13. http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?l=1&id=1271
14. http://geography.howstuffworks.com/terms-and-associations/middle-east5.htm
15. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Articles/MiddleEast.htm
16. http://www.procon.org/PDF/airuniversity.pdf

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflection Post Questions

1. What I learned was a lot more about the American Revolution than I previously knew. I learned a lot more in depth of what caused the war and the actual battles themselves.
2. My research question was Why and How did the American Revolution take place.
3. The answer to the reearch question is very complex but is explained well in our scrapbook we made as our final product.
4. Yes the final product answered that question.
5. It answered it by providing a picture of each important act and war that made up the American Revolution. Each page also included a description under the picture.
6. What we did well on the project was creating the final product. I thought it was well created and was a good success.
7. What I could have improved was the index cards I could have planned out a bit better what I was going to use each one for as a few I had no use for them, but overall I think it went well.
8. I would really change anything I did on the project because I thoguht everything went very smoothly.
9. I thought the assignement was pretty fun and I think it was well planned and nothing should be changed on it.
10. I think I should get an A because I worked hard on the project and I think that it completes the task.